Intention Sticks

The purpose of creating an intention stick is to create a visual reminder of a positive intention or self affirmation. The art making process help to strengthen the positive thinking and the positive affirmation. Creating a safe non threatening way to explore different aspects of self.

Natural materials such as leaves, twigs, stones, and feathers can be tactile experience. These materials offer a direct connection to nature, which can promote grounding and relaxation during the creative process. Incorporating natural elements into artwork can help clients feel more connected to the world around them and tap into a sense of calm and tranquility. Additionally, the textures, colors, and shapes of natural materials can inspire creativity and self-expression in art therapy sessions. By utilizing these elements, clients can explore different sensory experiences and symbolically represent aspects of themselves in their artwork. Overall, the use of natural materials in art therapy can deepen the therapeutic process and enhance personal growth and insight.

Intention sticks are created by holding an intention for the future in your focus as you wind string, wool, and twine around a stick. You can add feathers, crystals or stones to represent the focus and intention you are holding while you are creating. The focus could also be an affirmation such as; You are worthy of love and belonging just as you are. Intention setting and affirmations are tools commonly utilized in art therapy to enhance self-awareness, promote positive thinking, and cultivate personal growth. By setting an intention or repeating affirmations during the creative process, individuals can focus their energy and attention on specific goals or qualities they wish to embody. This practice can help individuals connect more deeply with their emotions, overcome obstacles, and foster a sense of empowerment and resilience. Overall, incorporating intentions and affirmations into art therapy sessions can facilitate a transformative experience that promotes mental well-being and self-expression.

To begin weaving intention on a stick, gather a stick of your choice and various materials such as yarn, twine, ribbons, and beads. Sit in a quiet space where you can focus. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Reflect on an intention or goal you have in mind. As you weave the materials around the stick, visualize this intention becoming a reality. Focus on each movement and let the act of weaving be a meditative process. As you finish, take a moment to hold the stick in your hands and reaffirm your intention. Place the woven stick somewhere meaningful as a reminder of your goal.