Art Therapy

Art Therapy work to offer a space for client of all ages to fill safe. The therapy is art based interactive activities. Art Therapy is a safe and fun therapeutic style to explore different ways to improve wellbeing and provide healing.  Art making is a vehicle to express emotions and to help individuals increase their problem solving skills. Art therapy is playful and creative, children and young people enjoy coming to therapy because art and play is a natural way for them to share their stories and to help communicate what is going on in their world. Joanna works from a person-centred approach and guides the child and young person through the healing journey while they learn more about who they are. The aim is to equip the child and young person with skills and techniques that will assist them throughout their young lives into adulthood. Joanna is warm and welcoming, creating a therapeutic space to allow the healing to begin. Children especially enjoy coming to art therapy. They find the experience interactive and fun.

Art therapy is not about being a skilled artist or producing beautiful artwork. It is a form of therapy that utilizes the process of creating art to explore emotions, improve self-awareness, and enhance mental well-being. The focus is on the act of creating and expressing oneself rather than the final product. Individuals do not need to have any artistic talent or experience to benefit from art therapy. It is a supportive and non-judgmental space where individuals can harness the therapeutic benefits of art-making regardless of their skill level.

 “We started seeing Joanna for my child’s anxiety about a year and a half ago. This anxiety was affecting both schoolwork and social life, my child was incredibly shy and suffered terribly with separation anxiety. Astoundingly, with Joanna’s expertise and guidance my child was engaging with Joanna and participating in games on our first visit. I had not seen my child respond so well to anyone, especially in such a short time. Joanna takes the time to discuss parent’s worries and explain how children see and process different situations, making it easier for parents to understand how their children are feeling and Joanna teaches us the best way for us to help our children.

Joanna has a wealth of knowledge and experience having worked at children’s hospitals as well as in private practice. She has provided me with numerous strategies to help bring calm to the anxious moments and has reduced my child’s anxiety by teaching us coping strategies. Joanna provides a safe space for children, a place where they feel calm and secure. Through art and play Joanna teaches children. Since seeing Joanna my child has achieved goals we had never thought would be possible. Joanna has increased my child’s confidence and taught my child how to draw on their inner strength.

Joanna has always answered my queries with her kind and gentle nature, she has been a wonderful guide to me through all this, we have often chatted prior to sessions, or between sessions. Joanna is always willing to listen and to help and she genuinely cares for both her patients/clients and their families. We owe Joanna so much for bringing such an incredible and welcome change to our lives. HS”

Art therapy helps children and young people with the following

·       Anxiety

·       Depression

·       Social anxiety and stress from school

·       Self esteem

·       Trauma

·       Loss and separation

·       Environmental stress

·       Mental health

·       Stress

Benefits of Art Therapy

·       Improves self-esteem and confidence

·       Improves emotional intelligence

·       Increases problem solving skills

·       Expresses emotions and thoughts

·       Processes trauma in a safe way

·       Improves relationships

·       Increases their window of tolerance

·       Increases distress tolerance

Some Goal for Art therapy

  • Improves relationships with the families

  • Build strong therapeutic relationship built on trust

  • Increased distress tolerance skills

  • increases self-control

  • Increase understanding and expression of emotions

  • Reduce symptoms of anxiety

  • Increase self-esteem and insight

  • Increase awareness of emotions and ability to express emotions

  • Express thoughts and feeling through the use of simple art material

  • increase insight into situation that are causing issues

  • encourages insight into situation that are causing issues

  • finding personalized coping strategies

  • Increase your window of tolerance